Via Cesare Battisti, 10, 00045 Genzano di Roma RM

BBE DI 1000 SONIC MAXIMIZER direct box active / passive for guitarist ( Di-Box DIBOX ) Made in USA


Categorie: , Product ID: 5315


BBE DI 1000 SONIC MAXIMIZER direct active / passive box for guitarist (Di-Box DIBOX)

BBE DI-1000

passive / active direct box equipped with a SONIX MAXIMIZER processor

developer: BBE USA

The DI-1000 enables work with passive (passive) impedance matching of the device through the Jensen JT -DB-EP transformer , or as an active DI where the Sonic Maximizer processor circuit can be coupled to the signal still balanced at the output through a Jensen transformer

Application: for guitarists in live concerts and in the studio


Main features:

Full BBE Sonic Maximizer functionality
Jensen JT- DB-EPC transformer
Passive or active action
0 / 15dB / 30dB pad switch
Ground Lift switch
Internal pure silver wiring
Encapsulated switches to prevent damage
Non-slip mat
